Tuesday, June 06, 2006


"Is that. . .that hummus stuff?" asked coworker Latoya as we gathered around the table at precisely twelve o'clock and I began assembling a wrap.

"Yup," I replied matter-of-factly. Accounting for tone of voice and manner of eye contact the practical translation of that one word was, 'I can see that you're eating Extreme Cheese Doritos and oh man, I do not feel like having this conversation.' You see, there are a wide variety of eating styles in this world, but they can be roughly divided into two camps: Healthy Eaters and Unhealthy Eaters. Yes, I reside for the most part in the Healthy Camp. The weird thing I've found is that if I start eating around Unhealthies I am not the one getting up on my high horse and judging the food choices of those around me -- in fact, the reverse is true.

As my coworker made a face that said 'yuck,' I asked, "Have you ever tried it?"

"No, I just don't think it's something I would like."

Well it's a good thing I brought the food for me, not you, I thought. Now can we stop talking about this?

No. In jumps third-party co-worker, Rita, "She doesn't know yet that we don't care what we eat." Oh really? I hadn't noticed. The "food" you bring up from the cafeteria, Chili's, or LeAnn Chin's wasn't a big enough tip-off. Oh, and by the way, I know you're lying because when you're not ingesting mass-produced toxic gray matter you are eating salad and talking about how you bought a big box of green tea because it's supposed to help you lose weight.

Most importantly, Rita, I might notice your fast food, I might observe your junk food, but I would never comment because it's your food and your body. I am much more interested in the delicious and nutrient-rich food that I am putting into mine. So can we talk about something else now?

Maybe. Latoya asks fourth co-worker Angela, "How's that Crystal Light pink lemonade?"

"It's pretty good. And Crystal Light's not bad for you at all." Well since we're keeping tabs, that depends on one's definition of "not bad for you," 'cuz the drink might not have calories but it definitely has cancer-causing artificial sweeteners. Which, I'm sad (or maybe so glad) to say, have never actually shown evidence of helping anyone lose weight.

"Hey now," interjects Rita, "we just got done telling Suzanne that we don't care what we put in our bodies." All I can say, ladies, is that I don't care what you put in your bodies either, so let's not converse about it. And that's all I ask sweetheart.


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