Wednesday, June 28, 2006

workin' fo' free

I started my internship this week. I can't be flip or bitchy about it in any way. It is fun. I get to hang out (unpaid, mind you) in a beautiful old office building overlooking a peaceful park. The energy there is somehow casual and highly professional at the same time. The best part is that I'm not fetching coffee or opening mail. There's not even too much fact checking. There is actual writing, which gets edited and therefore I get feedback. Shocking, I know, but the people there seem to actually respect the interns.

Perhaps in time I will have some humorous tales to tell. I could probably expound upon the very English-Major-esque intern who is training me in, but I am not going to because he is nice and I feel a little bit sorry for him because he doesn't have a job yet. It is a position I may very well find myself in when my six months are up.

Yes, I like it there. So much, in fact, that I think I might just move in after awhile. I mean, it would really help with the rent issue since, as I may have mentioned, they're not paying me. I wouldn't go so far as to bring a sleeping bag, but I could fashion a makeshift matress out of back issues and other publications from the well-maintained library. Then if I couldn't sleep I'd have my pick of great reading material right under my nose, hands, ears, feet, and every other body part. I could get some good reading done. Plus I would look quite dedicated; maybe they would think I was the best intern ever and offer me a job. Oh wait, I think the English Major is already doing this. And no, I don't actually think that they will offer me a job. This, like my musical, is a fantasy. A wonderful one, although I don't really want to sleep on magazines.


Blogger Urban Bella said...

Yeah, um... You might have to move in. While I don't encourage it, I will admit that back issues of magazines (in my case, Vogue... Of course!) are quite cozy... Do they offer chocolates like the other office?

1:47 AM  
Blogger fashion skool said...

no chocolates! how will i survive?

5:01 PM  

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