Saturday, February 28, 2009

Did the past week really happen? I don't think it did . . . I really don't. Why is it that January is always gruelingly slow while February starts and is over in what feels like 3 days? The only thing that's happened this month is that my roommate has developed some strange habits. The first being hiding out in his room any time he's not at work. He didn't used to do this, or at least not to the point that it seemed strange. And until yesterday I was doing my best not to take it personally.

What happened yesterday, you ask? He hid his pots and pans. This has certainly never happened before, and since I use them (with permission) way more than he does, I couldn't help but take it a little personally. Is he sending me a message? If so, what a strange way to communicate with your roommate. Couldn't he just tell me if something is wrong.

Oh well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very strange, I agree.. Oh well, you will be outa' there in 3 months, yes? I guess you will have to buy a little pan/saucepan of your own. What a freakin' freak! I hate it when people are passive aggressive. They don't have the guts to say what they feel so they do freakin' crappy stunts like you are experiencing. Maybe you can remind the creep that you are leaving in 3 months and "we need to get our affairs in order" or some such thing.

Chalk this experience up to another chapter in your eventual book! NY NY!


11:21 PM  

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